Amtrak Makes Travel in America Easy for International Visitors

We invite you to experience North America at ground level — not from 35,000 feet. Whether it's taking in the bustle and excitement of New York, Chicago or Los Angeles, or marveling at the magnificent sweeping vistas of our nation's heartland or the majestic Rocky Mountains, we invite you to get up close and personal with the places and people of our great nation.
With more than 21,000 miles of track serving the United States and Canada and more than 500 station stops in 46 states, you can truly get a sense of the scale and diversity of the country. Our USA Rail Passes let you explore the USA at your leisure, hopping on and off the train at the cities and destinations of your choice. For a one-of-a kind experience, book an all-inclusive train vacation package for an unforgettable trip.
So don't waste another minute—find out all about sleeping accommodations, seating accommodations, where we travel and how to reserve and buy tickets. We hope to see you aboard soon.
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