On Track for Good

Your non-profit could qualify for complimentary round-trip travel to your next upcoming event. Apply today to On Track for Good.
On Track for Good is one of four initiatives of Amtrak’s community engagement program, Amtrak Gives Back. Amtrak Gives Back is our way of supporting communities through:
- employee volunteerism
- engaging communities on critical infrastructure projects
- supporting local and national non-profit organizations
- partnering with organizations to make a deeper impact in communities
Through On Track for Good, Amtrak will provide in-kind transportation to support non-profit organizations committed to communities across the country.
This program is not for fundraisers or donation requests. For fundraiser or donation requests, apply to Amtrak Gives Back.
On Track for Good Program (the “Program”) Guidelines
Amtrak is committed to supporting the communities we serve. These are merely guidelines. Amtrak reserves the sole and absolute discretion to determine recipients of its charitable contributions. Amtrak may exclude or include organizations as it determines appropriate. For any additional questions, email OnTrackForGood@amtrak.com.
Each organization requesting complimentary tickets must understand and abide by the guidelines listed below:
- Tickets cannot be used for raffle or fundraising purposes. For all fundraising requests visit the Amtrak Gives Back program.
- To be eligible for the program, your organization must be currently registered in the United States under the Internal Revenue Code as: a non-profit organization under Section 501(c)(3); a Social and Recreational Club under Section 501(c)(7); a Civic League under Section 501(c)(4); or other Social Welfare Organizations. If approved, you will be asked to present your IRS determination letter, if applicable.
- Groups larger than 10 people will be spread out over multiple trains.
- If your application is approved, tickets will be awarded and scheduled based on availability.
- Tickets must be used for the purpose outlined on the submitted application.
- The event for which your organization is seeking tickets must be clearly described in your application. Events that involve any direct or indirect involvement in political campaign activity will not be considered. The application will also be ineligible if it is determined, in the program’s sole discretion, that the event violates any federal, state, or local laws.
- Tickets rewarded through this program CANNOT be sold. Organizations that resell any donated tickets will be permanently ineligible for the program.
- Once tickets are awarded, they cannot be exchanged for a different schedule.
- Once tickets are awarded, changes can be made to the names of the attendees up to 7 days before the scheduled trip. No other changes will be permitted once the tickets are confirmed.
- Tickets cannot be traded or bartered for goods and services. Any violation of the policy could result in the loss of complimentary ticket privileges.
- Only the number of complimentary tickets authorized by this policy will be approved. Any ticket requests above the number of authorized complimentary tickets must be purchased through Amtrak.com, an Amtrak ticket agent at our stations, or any Amtrak kiosk.
- Only the number of tickets specified in the organization’s application will be considered. Requests for additional complimentary tickets not specified in the application will not be permitted.
- Only applications submitted at a minimum of 60 business days prior to the start of your event will be accepted for consideration.
- To avoid delays in approval and finding available itineraries, we recommend that all organizations submit an application as soon as possible.
- All reservations will be confirmed 30 days prior to the event.
- This program applies to new reservations only. Any reservation currently on hold is not eligible.
- If an organization cancels their entire reservation after the tickets have been confirmed, they will not be able to reapply to the program for 12 months.
Frequently Asked Questions
Amtrak Guest Rewards
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