Amtrak Gives Back

Amtrak is about connecting communities. With a presence in more than 500 cities and towns nationwide, including three Canadian provinces, Amtrak strives to be a good neighbor and valuable partner to the communities we serve. We're guided by our Amtrak Values — Do the Right Thing, Excel Together, Put Customers first — which are a clear expression of our principles and beliefs, as well as the Mission and Goals given to us by Congress. They define us as a service-driven company dedicated to giving back.
Our efforts are focused on three areas:

Strengthening connections in Amtrak served communities and regions where we aim to expand service

Beautifying and preserving communities

Making our stations, railroads, and communities safer

We Engage
We engage with the community to help our neighbors understand the scope, impacts and benefits of Amtrak projects, while also serving as a conduit for community feedback. Learn about Amtrak projects.
We Engage
We engage with the community to help our neighbors understand the scope, impacts and benefits of Amtrak projects, while also serving as a conduit for community feedback. Learn about Amtrak projects.

We Support
We support non-profit organizations through our On Track for Good program as well as through sponsorships and in-kind donations that align with our values, focus areas and business objectives. To submit a request for sponsorships and or in-kind donations visit our Amtrak Gives Back application.
We Support
We support non-profit organizations through our On Track for Good program as well as through sponsorships and in-kind donations that align with our values, focus areas and business objectives. To submit a request for sponsorships and or in-kind donations visit our Amtrak Gives Back application.

We Volunteer
We volunteer to lend a helping hand in the community. We continue to seek opportunities to build and strengthen partnerships to provide meaningful impact to communities, through employee volunteerism. If you have a need for volunteers to support an upcoming community project or event, please contact our Office of Community Engagement.
We Volunteer
We volunteer to lend a helping hand in the community. We continue to seek opportunities to build and strengthen partnerships to provide meaningful impact to communities, through employee volunteerism. If you have a need for volunteers to support an upcoming community project or event, please contact our Office of Community Engagement.
Our inaugural year brought us closer to local communities and raised awareness for upcoming projects. Learn more about our initiatives and partnerships in our 2023 Year End Review.
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