Introducing Amtrak Airo, a Modern Passenger Experience
Introducing Amtrak Airo, a Modern Passenger Experience
For more information, including program updates and additional resources, visit the project website AmtrakNewEra.com/Introducing-Amtrak-Airo
Amtrak is enhancing the customer experience by introducing new trains with a focus on safety, passenger comfort, reliability and sustainability.
These new trains will provide improved passengers amenities, including modern comfortable seating, spacious restrooms and a contemporary food service experience, among other improvements to better serve all Amtrak customers.
In addition to the Northeast Regional, the new trains will operate on other routes including the Empire Service, Virginia Services, Keystone Service, Downeaster, Amtrak Cascades, Maple Leaf, New Haven/Springfield Service, Palmetto, Carolinian, Pennsylvanian, Vermonter, Ethan Allen Express and Adirondack.
Project Status
In Design
Key Features
- Elevated Experience: With its modern, spacious interior and panoramic windows, customers have an improved view of the best sights in the country while connecting to the passing landscape.
- A Greener Impact: The new trains are more fuel efficient and produce 90% less particulate emissions in diesel operations.
- Reduced Travel Times: The new trains will operate at speeds up to 125 mph and will eliminate engine changes, resulting in reduced downtime in DC and other stations near where time-consuming locomotive changes were previously required.
- Improved Accessibility: The new trains will have improved accessibility for passengers with spacious and accessible restrooms and vestibules, accessible cafe cars and wheelchair lifts for passengers using mobility devices and wheelchairs.
- Modern Cafe Car: More contemporary food service provides self-service options.
- Wayfinding: Signage creates a cleaner, more evident and accessible way to identify and differentiate cabins — both on the exterior and interior through a color-coded system.
- Spacious Seating: Each spacious seat prioritizes ergonomics, offers enhanced comfort with plenty of legroom, bigger and sturdier tray tables, moveable headrests and a dedicated cup and seatback tablet-holder.
- Business Class: Choice of double and single seats offer customers greater flexibility.· Amenities: Features enhanced lighting, improved technology with digital customer information systems and touchless restroom controls, dedicated individual outlets, USB ports and onboard Wi-Fi. Choice of double and single seats offer customers greater flexibility.
- Amenities: Features enhanced lighting, improved technology with digital customer information systems and touchless restroom controls, dedicated individual outlets, USB ports and onboard WiFi.
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