Bring Your Bicycle Onboard

Part of the joy of a journey by train is the ability to explore the stops along the way, and what better way to do that than by bike? If you'd like to ride our rails with your bike, we offer a number of different services to transport your bike onboard. Each train has different equipment and loading procedures that dictate what service will be offered. The capabilities of your origin and destination station also determine how bikes are handled, so check out all the details here before you book your trip. If you still have questions, check out the Bike FAQs.
What's Allowed?
Carry-On/Trainside: Bicycles and folding scooters up to 50 lbs. Standard bicycle sizes apply. Maximum tire width: 2"
Checked: Bicycles up to 50 lbs. and 70" x 41" x 8.5" and non-folding scooters
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