Reporting Lost Items

If you happen to lose or misplace something on the train or in a station, submit a lost item report so we can try to help you find it.
When reporting a lost item, have the following information ready:
- Your date(s) of travel.
- Your departure and arrival stations.
- Your train number(s).
- Your e-mail address.
- Detailed information regarding the lost item (model/serial number, brand, color, size, etc.).
Once you fill out the online form you'll get an email with your Lost Item ID tracking number. Our team will continue to look for your item and provide you with regular email and/or text updates (if opted in) on the status of the search.
If we believe we have found your item or need further information, we'll contact you. If we haven't located your item within 30 days from the time it was reported, it's not likely that it was turned in.
If we find cash onboard or at a station, we may convert it into a Refund voucher, which allows us to safely return the money to its rightful owner.
Amtrak Guest Rewards
Forgot Password?
Passwords are case sensitive, should be at least 10 characters long and should include 1 uppercase and 1 lowercase alpha character, 1 number and 1 special character. ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ ` < | > ~
Enter the email address or member number associated with your account. We will send password reset instructions.
An email with password reset instructions is on the way.
That answer wasn’t correct either. We’ve sent you an email with instructions to reset your password instead.