Flexible Dining
As part of your private room accommodations aboard the Cardinal, City of New Orleans, Crescent, Lake Shore Limited and Texas Eagle*, flexible dining service includes:
- A menu with hot, ready-to-serve choices for breakfast, lunch and dinner
- A wide selection of wine, beer and spirits (the first one is on us during dinner), plus unlimited soft drinks throughout the journey
- Exclusive onboard lounge to dine and socialize
- Complimentary room service provided by your attendant
- Flexible dining times without the need for reservations
Along most routes, Cafe service is also available for all customers along select routes, offering a variety of meals, snacks and beverages for sale.

Current Menus
Get a taste of the selections by sampling the menus:
Current Menus
Get a taste of the selections by sampling the menus:
*Service between Chicago and San Antonio only. See the traditional dining menu for service between San Antonio and Los Angeles.
Our menus are updated regularly, so selections and prices are subject to change.
Meal Times
Breakfast: Available 6:30 - 10 am; board by 9:30 am
Lunch: Available 11:30 am - 3 pm; board by 2:30 pm
Dinner: Available: 5:00 - 9:30 pm; board by 8:30 pm
Exceptions apply to certain trains and adjustments may be made in the event of a delay.
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