Checked Baggage
Checked baggage service is available at a number of our stations and on many trains and Thruway Services. Not all trains or locations are equipped to handle checked baggage. Before you travel, make sure to check and see if your train and origin and destination stations accept checked baggage.

What's Allowed?
2 Bags Free
Up to 50 lbs. and 75 linear inches*
2 Additional Bags
$20 each
Oversized Baggage (76-100 linear inches*)
$20 each
What's Allowed?
2 Bags Free
Up to 50 lbs. and 75 linear inches*
2 Additional Bags
$20 each
Oversized Baggage (76-100 linear inches*)
$20 each
Make sure you have a tag with your name and address on the outside of all your bags. Free ID tags are available at all of our stations.
Before you arrive at the station, make sure your baggage is packed appropriately in suitable containers.
Luggage must be checked prior to your train's scheduled train departure. Check-in times vary by station, so check the station detail page for the stations served by your train for specific times. If you will be transferring between stations en-route, plan for at least two hours of scheduled layover time to ensure your luggage is transferred to your new train.
If checked baggage is not offered on a train/bus in your itinerary, it may be accepted on another train/bus bound for the same destination (excluding firearms). Advance check-in is recommended.
If you don't need to check a bag, get all the details about the carry-on items you can bring onboard and any fees that may apply.
*Linear inches: length + width +height
Trainside Checked Baggage Service
Self-serve trainside checked baggage service is available to and from the following stations only: Charleston, WV; Cincinnati, OH; Columbus, WI; Crawfordsville, IN; Dyer, IN; Hammond, LA; Lafayette, IN; Meridian, MS; Mount Pleasant, IA; Rensselaer, IN; Texarkana, AR; Tuscaloosa, AL; Winona, MN.
When departing from a station with trainside checked baggage service, you'll need to tag your luggage with a baggage tag for your destination city and walk your luggage to the baggage car. At the baggage car, hand your luggage to the Amtrak crew member and you'll receive a claim check to retrieve your luggage at the destination station.
When arriving at a station with trainside checked baggage service, the train crew will let you know where you can claim your luggage. When retrieving your luggage, hand the claim check to the Amtrak crew member to receive your luggage.
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