Grand Rapids

Grand Rapids was one of The New York Times 52 Places to Go in 2016. Experience the creative energy of Grand Rapids: dazzling art and culture, awesome dining and nightlife, inspiring natural beauty and exhilarating community spirit. The very walkable downtown is jam-packed with more than 90 restaurants, clubs, theaters and museums. A city that will constantly surprise and delight you. The Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library is a must see when you visit the city.
Getting There
Take the Pere Marquette to the last stop on the line to Grand Rapids.
Grand Rapids was one of The New York Times 52 Places to Go in 2016. Experience the creative energy of Grand Rapids: dazzling art and culture, awesome dining and nightlife, inspiring natural beauty and exhilarating community spirit. The very walkable downtown is jam-packed with more than 90 restaurants, clubs, theaters and museums. A city that will constantly surprise and delight you. The Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library is a must see when you visit the city.
Getting There
Take the Pere Marquette to the last stop on the line to Grand Rapids.
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