Where Can Michigan Services Take You?
Michigan Services Can Take You All Sorts of Places
Michigan is called the State of Lakes for a great reason. It borders four of the Great Lakes and contains more than 11,000 inland lakes, spread across its lower and upper peninsula. Whether you love the water or the land, you will love any of the great destinations in Michigan.

Grand Rapids
With so much culture to see, you can take the train or bus and enjoy all that Grand Rapids has to offer. View details

Detroit is the largest city in the state and has a profound impact on the world from being the automobile capital of the world to inventing the Motown sound Detroit has crafted American culture. View details

The Henry Ford Museum
At The Henry Ford, located in metro Detroit, you'll discover America - its culture, inventions, people and can-do spirit - and hundreds of hands-on ways to explore it, enjoy it and be inspired by it. View details

Experience the place with a big city mindset and a small town heart. Once you make the trip, you'll be back for more. With such a memorable name you have to want to visit the city. There are four roundtrips a day to get you there. View details

East Lansing
East Lansing is an unbeatable combination of historic small-town atmosphere and cosmopolitan sophistication. View details
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