Amtrak Thruway Connecting Services Multiply Your Travel Destinations
Bus, Van, Taxi, Commuter Train or Ferry

To extend the reach of Amtrak service to communities without rail service and offer a wider selection of destinations, Amtrak established Thruway service with guaranteed connections to Amtrak trains. Dedicated buses carry Amtrak passengers only; coordinated buses operate on individual carrier schedules but create easy access to the Amtrak network.
To extend the reach of Amtrak service to communities without rail service and offer a wider selection of destinations, Amtrak established Thruway service with guaranteed connections to Amtrak trains. Dedicated buses carry Amtrak passengers only; coordinated buses operate on individual carrier schedules but create easy access to the Amtrak network.
Most routes are served by modern intercity buses (with the exception of train, ferry and van service) that feature restrooms, roomy reclining seating with leg rests and individual lighting.
Take a look at some of the exciting destinations that await you in California, North Carolina and many other states across the US. Just think, these are just a few of the hundreds of locations to choose from.
- Play the riverboat casinos in Shreveport, Louisiana.
- Hit the links at one of 50 golf courses in Fort Myers, Florida.
- Visit the American Folk Festival in Bangor, Maine.
- Take in Pikes Peak in Colorado Springs, Colorado.
- Try your hand at the tables in Las Vegas, Nevada.
- Explore Yosemite with Thruway at Merced, California.
- Hike to the Witch's Hat Pavilion in Reading, Pennsylvania.
Whether it's the sights or the people you love to see, Amtrak can get you there without spending anything on gas, motels, tolls or wear and tear on your car. Pack a bag and book your trip today.
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