Fraud Alert
Beware of "Super" Discounts and "Unbelievable" Promotional Deals
Only tickets purchased directly from Amtrak or one of our partners will be accepted for travel.
Don't let the criminals take you for a ride with travel scams and fraud. They offer discount Amtrak tickets on online auction sites and social media venues that are invalid. These tickets will not be honored by Amtrak and are investigated by the Amtrak Police Department. Always purchase tickets from Amtrak or one of its authorized resellers — and get where you are going.
Additional information is available in Terms and Conditions.
Amtrak Guest Rewards
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Passwords are case sensitive, should be at least 10 characters long and should include 1 uppercase and 1 lowercase alpha character, 1 number and 1 special character. ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ ` < | > ~
Enter the email address or member number associated with your account. We will send password reset instructions.
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