The Hudson Tunnel Project
The Hudson Tunnel Project
For more information, including community engagement schedules, program updates and additional resources, visit AmtrakNewEra.com/Gateway/Hudson-Tunnel-Project
Project Status
In Pre-Construction / Engineering
The Hudson Tunnel Project involves construction of a new Hudson River rail tunnel serving New York Penn Station and the rehabilitation of the existing Sandy-damaged North River Tunnel.
The high level of traffic in the existing North River Tunnel — approximately 450 trains per weekday — means that without this project, taking one of the North River Tunnel tubes out of service for necessary repairs would severely reduce rail service because the remaining tube would have to accommodate two-way traffic. This very significant reduction in capacity would have a devastating effect on New York and New Jersey commuters who cross the Hudson on a daily basis, Amtrak passengers, and the regional and national economies.
Pre-COVID, approximately 200,000 daily passenger trips took place in the existing North River Tunnel, which was built by the Pennsylvania Railroad and completed in 1910. The tunnel consists of two, single-track, electrified tubes, which serve as the only passenger rail connections between Manhattan and New Jersey and the rest of the Northeast Corridor. In October 2012 the tunnel was inundated with millions of gallons of salt water during Super Storm Sandy, leaving behind corrosive chemicals which continue to degrade the concrete tunnel liner, benchwalls and other systems that support Amtrak and NJ TRANSIT train operations.
An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the project was prepared by the Federal Railroad Administration, Port Authority of NY & NJ and NJ TRANSIT and a Record of Decision (ROD) issued in 2021.
The Gateway Development Commission assumed the role of Project Sponsor for the Hudson Tunnel Project in 2022 and is advancing the project toward construction.
In July 2023, the Federal Transit Administration announced that the Hudson Tunnel Project has entered the Engineering Phase of the Capital Investment Grants (CIG) Program. The project is set to receive up to $6.88 billion from the FTA.
With additional federal funding, Amtrak’s contribution, and commitments from the States of New York and New Jersey, as well as the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, the project has the necessary funding to begin early construction in 2023, and major construction in 2024. The next step is to reach a Full Funding Grant Agreement (FFGA) between the FTA and the Gateway Development commission, expected in 2024.

- Preserves existing service
- Adds needed system resiliency
- Increases reliability
- Adds operational flexibility
- Gateway Development Commission
- U.S. DOT Federal Railroad Administration
- U.S. DOT Federal Transit Administration
- Amtrak
- Port Authority of New York and New Jersey
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