Connecticut River Bridge
Connecticut River Bridge
For more information, including community engagement schedules, program updates and additional resources, visit the project website: Amtraknewera.com/CRB.
Quick Facts: Connecticut River Bridge
Project Status
Design is at 100%; Construction contract awarded in June 2024.
Customer Benefits
- Improved reliability, safety, and functionality of the new movable span
- Improved conflicts with rail and maritime conditions
- Increased train speeds
Estimated Construction Completion
Estimated 2031
Upcoming Milestones
Construction is set to begin in late summer/early fall 2024.
Project Partners
Amtrak, Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT), U.S. DOT Federal Railroad Administration (FRA), U.S. DOT Federal Transit Administration (FTA)
Funding Sources
Amtrak, Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) Program, CTDOT Partnership Share
The Connecticut River Bridge, originally constructed in 1907, is located on the Northeast Corridor (NEC) between the towns of Old Saybrook and Old Lyme and is used by Amtrak, CTRail’s Shore Line East and freight trains.
The upcoming Connecticut River Bridge project entails constructing a two-track, electrified, and movable bridge equipped with new track, signal, catenary, power, communication, controls and security features. This new bridge structure, expected to have a useful life of 100 years, will replace the existing two-track Connecticut River Bridge.
The new bridge will enhance reliability, resiliency and reduce delays for all users of the bridge. It is designed to support a maximum operating speed of 70 mph, a 55% increase from the current maximum speed of 45 mph. Maritime navigation and safety will also improve due to the increased vertical clearance compared to the existing bridge.
Amtrak will soon commence construction on the modern Connecticut River Bridge, following the award of a construction contract to the O&G/Tutor Perini Joint Venture. Amtrak recently received permit approvals from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection. Amtrak will continue public outreach for this project, with an open house event to be scheduled before construction begins.
Public Meeting Information
Previous Sessions
July 18, 2024
Virtual Public Information Meeting (Video)
Replacement Summary (Video)
Public Information Meeting Presentation
February 15, 2024
Virtual Public Information Meeting (Video)
Public Information Meeting Summary of Comments and Responses

Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection Construction Stormwater General Permit (PDF, 457KB)
Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection Water Quality Certificate & Federal Coastal Consistency (PDF, 26.8MB)
Environmental and Permit Plans - Sheets 1 - 65 (PDF, 27.4 MB)
Environmental and Permit Plans - Sheets 66 - 140 (PDF, 27.4 MB)
Tidal Marsh Mitigation Site Plan Full Set (PDF, 8.6MB)
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Section 404 and Section 10 (PDF, 2.1MB)
U.S. Coast Guard Lieutenant River Bridge Advanced Approval (PDF, 336KB)
Eagle Landing
Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection Eagle Landing Certificate of Permission (PDF, 10.6MB)
Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection Eagle Landing Flood Management Certification Approval (PDF, 5.6MB)
Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection Eagle Landing General Permit Verification (PDF, 3.4MB)
National Environmental Policy Act
Environmental Assessment & Section 4(f) Evaluation May 2014 (PDF, 16.1MB)
Environmental Assessment & Section 4(f) Evaluation May 2014 Appendices (PDF, 14.2MB)
NEPA Re-Evaluation #1 (PDF, 324KB)
NEPA Re-Evaluation #1 Attachment A - U.S. Coast Guard Public Notice (PDF, 1.1MB)
NEPA Re-Evaluation #1 Attachment B - Connecticut State Historic Preservation Office Memorandum of Agreement (PDF, 694KB)
NEPA Re-Evaluation #1 Attachment D - Connecticut State Historic Preservation Office Data Recovery Plan Concurrence (PDF, 270KB)
NEPA Re-Evaluation #1 Attachment E - Memorandum of Agreement Progress Summary Report (PDF, 279KB)
NEPA Re-Evaluation #1 Attachment F - High Tide Line Impact Plans (PDF, 27.9MB)
NEPA Re-Evaluation #1 Attachment G - Coastal Jurisdiction Line State Impact Plans (PDF, 31.1MB)
NEPA Re-Evaluation #1 Attachment H - National Marine Fisheries Service Section 7 Consultation (PDF, 9.8MB)
NEPA Re-Evaluation #1 Attachment I - National Marine Fisheries Service EHS Correspondence (PDF, 21.2MB)
NEPA Re-Evaluation #1 Attachment J - Re-Initiation of U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Section 7 Consultation (PDF, 971KB)
NEPA Re-Evaluation #1 Attachment L - U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Information for Planning and Consultation System (PDF, 572KB)
NEPA Re-Evaluation #1 Attachment M - REMA Ecological Services Federally Listed Fauna (PDF, 298KB)
NEPA Re-Evaluation #1 Figure 1 - Project Location Map (PDF, 665KB)
NEPA Re-Evaluation #1 Figure 2 - Easement Maps (PDF, 2.9MB)
NEPA Re-Evaluation #1 Figure 3 - Section 4(f) Properties (PDF, 350KB)
NEPA Re-Evaluation #1 Figure 4 - Figure 4 Ragged Rock Creek (PDF, 406KB)
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