Harrisburg, Pennsylvania – Fun and History Around Every Corner
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, is a historic and politically significant city within the Commonwealth, yet it retains a small-town charm with a big focus on family and fun. Famously, Harrisburg is just a short 15-mile drive from the world-famous Hersheypark, the chocolate-themed amusement park, which includes a tour of the legendary factory as well as fun rides for all ages. Besides amusement parks, Harrisburg is home to many green spaces. Its most remarkable park is the Capital Area Greenbelt — a 20-mile trail loop through and around the city itself. Harrisburg is also home to several impressive museums. Visit the State Museum of Pennsylvania and experience the wonder of a multi-media planetarium. Or visit the National Civil War Museum and brush up on our nation’s history. After a fun-filled day, try out the Brew Barons Beer Trail — an interactive craft beer adventure visiting over 20 local breweries.
Getting There
Take the Keystone or Pennsylvanian to Harrisburg Transportation Center (HAR). Located downtown, the train station is near several museums, hotels and the Susquehanna River.

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