Take the Train to Holland, Michigan

Discover Dutch Charm on the Michigan Coast
Holland brings a taste of Europe to the shores of Lake Michigan. Take a stroll through an expansive tulip garden and visit a working Dutch windmill for breathtaking views in the Spring. Splash around at the beach or explore local history with a trip to the Holland Museum or “Big Red” Lighthouse. Breweries and boutiques downtown make Holland exciting to visit any time of the year.
Getting There
With daily service to Grand Rapids and Chicago, getting to the Holland station is easy.
Discover Dutch Charm on the Michigan Coast
Holland brings a taste of Europe to the shores of Lake Michigan. Take a stroll through an expansive tulip garden and visit a working Dutch windmill for breathtaking views in the Spring. Splash around at the beach or explore local history with a trip to the Holland Museum or “Big Red” Lighthouse. Breweries and boutiques downtown make Holland exciting to visit any time of the year.
Getting There
With daily service to Grand Rapids and Chicago, getting to the Holland station is easy.
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