Take the Train to Champaign, Illinois

Experience College Town Charm in Champaign
College towns aren't just for students. Culture, nature, sports, and more come to life in Champaign. Take in a traditional Japanese tea ceremony and stroll through the park at the Arboretum at the University of Illinois. Hit the links or the slopes at Lake of the Woods Forest Preserve and Middle Fork River Forest Preserve to enjoy the area year-round. Art abounds at the Krannert Art Museum and downtown with public art sculptures. Whether you are in town for the sights, or to cheer on your favorite college sports team, Champaign is sure to bring the charm.
Getting There
With six daily trains, getting to Champaign-Urbana station is easy.
Experience College Town Charm in Champaign
College towns aren't just for students. Culture, nature, sports, and more come to life in Champaign. Take in a traditional Japanese tea ceremony and stroll through the park at the Arboretum at the University of Illinois. Hit the links or the slopes at Lake of the Woods Forest Preserve and Middle Fork River Forest Preserve to enjoy the area year-round. Art abounds at the Krannert Art Museum and downtown with public art sculptures. Whether you are in town for the sights, or to cheer on your favorite college sports team, Champaign is sure to bring the charm.
Getting There
With six daily trains, getting to Champaign-Urbana station is easy.
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