Take the Train to Ann Arbor, Michigan

Get Schooled on Fun in Ann Arbor
In Michigan, Ann Arbor means the University of Michigan. Explore beyond the classroom with world-class museums and art galleries, canoeing on the Huron River, or discovering tiny fairy doors in front of local businesses across town. On game day, join in on the excitement as over 100,000 fans flock to the Michigan Stadium to cheer on the Wolverines. With festivals and events taking place year-round, there's always something new to see in Ann Arbor.
Getting There
With six daily trains, getting to the Ann Arbor station is easy.
Get Schooled on Fun in Ann Arbor
In Michigan, Ann Arbor means the University of Michigan. Explore beyond the classroom with world-class museums and art galleries, canoeing on the Huron River, or discovering tiny fairy doors in front of local businesses across town. On game day, join in on the excitement as over 100,000 fans flock to the Michigan Stadium to cheer on the Wolverines. With festivals and events taking place year-round, there's always something new to see in Ann Arbor.
Getting There
With six daily trains, getting to the Ann Arbor station is easy.
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