Celebrate Washington, DC's Rich History by Train

Rail Vacation Packages to the District of Columbia and Beyond
Home to numerous museums, including the Smithsonian museums and the National Zoo, historic homes and gardens, the sightseeing options are endless. Restaurants of nearly every genre and ethnicity are scattered about the city, along with theaters, bars, pubs and boutiques.
The Amtrak Washington, DC, station is located in the center of our most popular routes. It allows you to easily access the bustling cities of the Northeast and the picturesque Southern United States.
We have over 20 DC rail vacation packages to choose from. Begin and end your journey from any of the 500 Amtrak train stations.
Some of our most popular:
Washington, DC Ultimate Getaway: 4 Days
Enjoy the best of our Nation’s Capital with this Ultimate Getaway that includes three nights hotel accommodations, a multi-day hop-on, hop-off tour, admission to the International Spy Museum and the infamous Monuments by Moonlight Tour.
Washington, DC, New York and Niagara Falls
This trip goes from Washington, DC to New York City, visiting the Smithsonian, monuments, the Empire State Building and Central Park, then crosses into Canada to witness the breathtaking Niagara Falls.
Boston, New York and Washington DC
This 7-day train vacation takes you from Boston, where you'll explore historic sites, to New York City for iconic landmarks, and finishes in Washington, DC with tours of monuments, museums and Arlington National Cemetery.
Amtrak Guest Rewards
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