Amtrak: 50 Years of Leading the Way

Amtrak: 50 Years of Leading the Way
For 50 years, Amtrak has made passenger rail service accessible to communities all across America—both large and small. Take a look at our five decades of investments in innovation, safety, service, sustainability and to the communities we serve. Then see what we are doing to fulfill our commitment to safe, reliable and state-of-the-art rail service in the 21st century.
2020s - As Amtrak embarks on its second half-century, it continues to lead the way in safety innovations, sustainability initiatives and a commitment to helping people discover the joy of experiencing America by rail.

Despite unprecedented challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic, Amtrak continues to upgrade its digital platforms so that customers can access its reservations and booking systems from their computers, tablets and phones. This includes first-of-its-kind capacity indicators to enable customers to see how full their train is at time of booking.

Amtrak continues testing the new Acela trainsets at the Transportation Technology Center near Pueblo, Colorado and along the Northeast Corridor.
The new $1.6 billion Moynihan Train Hall opens in the historic 1912 James A. Farley Post Office building across from New York Penn Station. The expansive facility will alleviate crowding and improve customer comfort by offering new commercial, retail and dining space. Moynihan Train Hall operates with Penn Station as one complex.
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