Photo courtesy of Alex Mayes
Unlock the Secrets of Virginia Rail
Did you know it was possible to travel and genuinely enjoy the ride? With Amtrak it is. Let us paint a picture for you.
You arrive minutes before departure, with plenty of time to spare. Boarding is quick and painless, and in no time you’re in the comfortable seat of your choice, reclining lazily or sitting up eagerly awaiting the views that are about to appear.
The whole ride is pleasant. You sit when you want, stand when you want, snack, drink, or talk on the phone when you want. There are power outlets aplenty, free WiFi for all, and a full menu of food and drinks if the mood strikes.
Suddenly, you’re pulling into your final station. Was it magic? Was it a portal? No, it’s just the train.
Sound like the travel experience you’ve always wanted to have? Maybe it’s time to book a ticket.
Surf the Web with Free WiFi

Whether you want to get some work done online or surf the web, the free basic WiFi available on Northeast Regional trains gives you the liberty to do so.
Fuel Up at the Cafe Car

Don’t wait to reach your destination for a snack (or a meal). The cafe cars on Northeast Regional trains offer a selection of foods and beverages to curb your cravings.
Unwind in the Quiet Car

Looking for a quiet ride? Travel in the comfort of the Quiet Car, where phone calls aren’t allowed, and overhead lighting is lowered to provide you with a peaceful trip.
Amtrak Guest Rewards
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