Station Details

Featuring large expanses of glass, this bright and airy station links busy Newark Liberty International Airport with Amtrak and New Jersey Transit rail services via monorail.
There is no direct access to this station by road. The station is accessible only via arriving trains or AirTrain monorail directly from the airport for departures; you cannot drive to the train station. Parking and other facilities are available at the airport.
AirTrain fare is included in Amtrak tickets to and from the Newark Airport Rail Station. To use this monorail, Amtrak passengers with tickets showing Newark Airport as the destination or boarding point can scan the barcode on their eTicket travel document at the AirTrain fare gate. Passengers without tickets showing Newark Airport must purchase monorail tickets from the NJT ticket vending machines located at the transfer station.
AirTrain arrives and departs every 3-5 minutes daily from 5 am to 11 pm and approximately every 15 minutes between 11 pm and 5 am.
Travel times from the train station to passenger terminals varies from 7-20 minutes, plus additional time via shuttle or walking to terminal A.
You must have an Amtrak ticket before boarding Amtrak trains from this station.
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