Sacramento International Airport

Sacramento International Airport (SMF) is the gateway between Northern California destinations and major cities across the U.S. and the world. Located 12 miles from downtown Sacramento, service is available from 12 major carriers.
Getting There
Take San Joaquins to the Sacramento, CA Station (SAC). From the station, walk to 8th and J Street and take Intercity Yolobus 42B (Counterclockwise Route) to the airport. The Yolobus provides hourly bus service to the Sacramento International Airport. Travel time from the Sacramento station is about 40 minutes.
Sacramento International Airport (SMF) is the gateway between Northern California destinations and major cities across the U.S. and the world. Located 12 miles from downtown Sacramento, service is available from 12 major carriers.
Getting There
Take San Joaquins to the Sacramento, CA Station (SAC). From the station, walk to 8th and J Street and take Intercity Yolobus 42B (Counterclockwise Route) to the airport. The Yolobus provides hourly bus service to the Sacramento International Airport. Travel time from the Sacramento station is about 40 minutes.
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