California Museum

The California Museum engages, educates and enlightens people about California's rich history and unique contributions to the world through ideas, innovation, the arts and culture. Through interactive and innovative experiences, the Museum inspires men, women and children to pursue the California dream and make their mark on history. The museum is home to several California-themed signature exhibits including the California Hall of Fame.
Getting There
Take the San Joaquins to the Sacramento, CA Station (SAC). From the station, the California Museum is an enjoyable one mile walk through downtown Sacramento. Turn right onto 5th Street (toward J. Street). Turn left onto J Street. Turn right onto 10 Street. Turn left onto O Street. Arrive at the California Museum. Travel time is about 20 minutes.
The California Museum engages, educates and enlightens people about California's rich history and unique contributions to the world through ideas, innovation, the arts and culture. Through interactive and innovative experiences, the Museum inspires men, women and children to pursue the California dream and make their mark on history. The museum is home to several California-themed signature exhibits including the California Hall of Fame.
Getting There
Take the San Joaquins to the Sacramento, CA Station (SAC). From the station, the California Museum is an enjoyable one mile walk through downtown Sacramento. Turn right onto 5th Street (toward J. Street). Turn left onto J Street. Turn right onto 10 Street. Turn left onto O Street. Arrive at the California Museum. Travel time is about 20 minutes.
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