
Bakersfield, “The Southern Gateway to the Central Valley,” is a vibrant community where country music is the anthem and oil and agriculture are the lifeblood. Nestled in the southern tip of the Central Valley, Bakersfield is a perfect location to come relax, explore, or even raise a family. With a visit to one of the many praiseworthy local eateries, your taste buds will be ready for more. Home to the late Buck Owens himself, Bakersfield brags of the renowned Buck Owens Crystal Palace where most weekends you can find a country artist taking the stage for a boot scootin' night to remember.
With everything from music venues, art exhibits, outdoor recreation and museums to raceways, public golf courses, river rafting and local professional sports teams – you're sure to find something you'll fall in love with. Welcome to Col. Baker's Field, “Life as it should be.”
Getting There
The San Joaquins runs from the San Francisco Bay Area/Sacramento south to the Bakersfield, CA Station (BFD). Amtrak operated buses connect you to great Southern California destinations.
Bakersfield, “The Southern Gateway to the Central Valley,” is a vibrant community where country music is the anthem and oil and agriculture are the lifeblood. Nestled in the southern tip of the Central Valley, Bakersfield is a perfect location to come relax, explore, or even raise a family. With a visit to one of the many praiseworthy local eateries, your taste buds will be ready for more. Home to the late Buck Owens himself, Bakersfield brags of the renowned Buck Owens Crystal Palace where most weekends you can find a country artist taking the stage for a boot scootin' night to remember.
With everything from music venues, art exhibits, outdoor recreation and museums to raceways, public golf courses, river rafting and local professional sports teams – you're sure to find something you'll fall in love with. Welcome to Col. Baker's Field, “Life as it should be.”
Getting There
The San Joaquins runs from the San Francisco Bay Area/Sacramento south to the Bakersfield, CA Station (BFD). Amtrak operated buses connect you to great Southern California destinations.
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