Six Flags Magic Mountain

Six Flags Magic Mountain is a 260-acre park featuring world class roller coasters and over 100 rides, games and attractions. Six Flags Magic Mountain is home to 11 different world records. Among the park's world class roller coasters and thrill rides is Terminator® Salvation™: The Ride wooden coaster. Once you experience the full assault of speed, sight and sound, you'll think you just stepped into battle in the blockbuster movie, Terminator® Salvation™.
Getting There
Take the San Joaquins to the Bakersfield, CA Station (BFD). At Bakersfield, Amtrak Thruway Bus service connects you to Santa Clarita. From the Santa Clarita Bus Stop (Newhall Metrolink), take local Santa Clarita Transit directly to Magic Mountain.
Six Flags Magic Mountain is a 260-acre park featuring world class roller coasters and over 100 rides, games and attractions. Six Flags Magic Mountain is home to 11 different world records. Among the park's world class roller coasters and thrill rides is Terminator® Salvation™: The Ride wooden coaster. Once you experience the full assault of speed, sight and sound, you'll think you just stepped into battle in the blockbuster movie, Terminator® Salvation™.
Getting There
Take the San Joaquins to the Bakersfield, CA Station (BFD). At Bakersfield, Amtrak Thruway Bus service connects you to Santa Clarita. From the Santa Clarita Bus Stop (Newhall Metrolink), take local Santa Clarita Transit directly to Magic Mountain.
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