Paso Robles

Visit Paso Robles and discover an oasis with rich and diverse agriculture, vineyards and wineries. Discover a historic downtown that boasts shopping, restaurants and even olive oil tasting. This family-friendly destination also has castles, beaches and historic missions for daily exploration. Looking for a romantic getaway? Step away from the busy life and indulge in a full day of exquisite food and wine tasting, while enjoying your stay at one of the beautiful boutique hotels.
Getting There
Take the Amtrak San Joaquins to the Hanford, CA Station (HNF) and then connect to the Thruway bus service to Paso Robles.
Visit Paso Robles and discover an oasis with rich and diverse agriculture, vineyards and wineries. Discover a historic downtown that boasts shopping, restaurants and even olive oil tasting. This family-friendly destination also has castles, beaches and historic missions for daily exploration. Looking for a romantic getaway? Step away from the busy life and indulge in a full day of exquisite food and wine tasting, while enjoying your stay at one of the beautiful boutique hotels.
Getting There
Take the Amtrak San Joaquins to the Hanford, CA Station (HNF) and then connect to the Thruway bus service to Paso Robles.
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