Old Sacramento

Experience a one-of-a-kind visit to Old Sacramento. This unique 28-acre National Historic Landmark District and State Historic Park is located along the beautiful Sacramento River. Bustling with activity, the district is alive with shopping, dining, entertainment, historical attractions and world-renowned museums set within the time of the California Gold Rush.
Getting There
Take the San Joaquins to the Sacramento, CA Station (SAC). From the station, Old Sacramento is west of the station just two blocks away.
Experience a one-of-a-kind visit to Old Sacramento. This unique 28-acre National Historic Landmark District and State Historic Park is located along the beautiful Sacramento River. Bustling with activity, the district is alive with shopping, dining, entertainment, historical attractions and world-renowned museums set within the time of the California Gold Rush.
Getting There
Take the San Joaquins to the Sacramento, CA Station (SAC). From the station, Old Sacramento is west of the station just two blocks away.
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