John Muir National Historical Site

One of the best-kept secrets of the National Park Service is located in Martinez, California. John Muir's beautiful 1882 Victorian home; the 1849 Martinez Adobe; nine acres of various grapes, fruit and nut trees; and the 325 acre Mount Wanda area with its oak forest and stunning views of the Carquinez straits.
It was here that Muir wrote his books and articles to preserve America's wilderness and helped to create the National Parks idea for the United States.
Tours and programs are available with advance reservations and there is an admission fee
Getting There
Just take the San Joaquins to the Martinez, CA Station (MTZ) and you're there.
One of the best-kept secrets of the National Park Service is located in Martinez, California. John Muir's beautiful 1882 Victorian home; the 1849 Martinez Adobe; nine acres of various grapes, fruit and nut trees; and the 325 acre Mount Wanda area with its oak forest and stunning views of the Carquinez straits.
It was here that Muir wrote his books and articles to preserve America's wilderness and helped to create the National Parks idea for the United States.
Tours and programs are available with advance reservations and there is an admission fee
Getting There
Just take the San Joaquins to the Martinez, CA Station (MTZ) and you're there.
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