All Aboard the Amtrak Winter Park Express
All Aboard the Amtrak Winter Park Express
The ski train is back for the 2024 - 2025 season — with fares starting at $19
All aboard the Amtrak Winter Park Express — your ticket between Denver and the foot of the slopes at the Winter Park Resort, voted North America’s best ski resort and Colorado’s top adventure town. An additional stop is now included at neighboring Fraser, Colorado.
To meet growing demand, the ski train now starts the last two weekends of this year, December 20 - 22 and December 27 -29, plus January 3 - 5. Expanded service begins on January 9, and runs Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and Mondays through March 31. One-way fares start at $19, with kids fares (age 2 - 12) starting at just $9.50.
Pack your skis or snowboards as a carry-on for no additional charge. During boarding, skis and snowboards will be placed in a dedicated baggage storage area.
While onboard, you’ll enjoy a trip in Coach class — featuring wide, reclining seats with a big picture window, ample legroom and no middle seat. Be sure to visit the bi-level Sightseer Lounge — offering panoramic views of the Rocky Mountains and Moffat Tunnel from upstairs and café service with snacks and drinks for sale downstairs.
Skiers and non-skiers alike will find lots to see and do at both the resort and Fraser stops. You can learn about Fraser’s history at the Cozens Ranch Museum or sample local cuisine. Fraser is also a great destination for anyone who loves nature, culture and fun.
The Winter Park Express travels between Denver - Union Station (DEN) and Winter Park Resort (WPR), with an additional stop in Fraser-Winter Park (WIP). The train departs Denver (DEN) at 7:00 am, arrives in Winter Park (WPR) at 9:11 am, and in Fraser-Winter Park (WIP) at 9:41 am. The return trip departs from Fraser-Winter Park (WPI) at 4:05 pm, Winter Park (WPR) at 4:35 pm, and arrives in Denver (DEN) at 7:05 pm. To book a trip, use these station codes in the fare finder above or download the Amtrak app.

Winter Park Express Schedule

Frequently Asked Questions
December 20 - 22, 2024
December 27 - 29, 2024
January 3 - 5, 2025
Friday, Saturday and Sunday
Expanded Service
January 9 - March 31, 2024
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday
Amtrak Guest Rewards
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