Celebrating 50 Years with J. Craig Thorpe

Celebrating 50 Years with J. Craig Thorpe

J. Craig Thorpe is a nationally recognized artist who has graciously painted this landscape image for Amtrak. Thorpe’s paintings allow the viewer to step into the scene and feel immersed in the landscape itself.
This painting will tour around Amtrak Metropolitan Lounge locations in the upcoming weeks and remain in its final stop of Chicago.
Thorpe’s painting of New Olympia, WA station was featured in Amtrak’s 1993 corporate calendar. This sparked the beginning of Thorpe’s national recognition. Thorpe has continued working with Amtrak throughout the years in creating various commemorative pieces.
J. Craig Thorpe is a nationally recognized artist who has graciously painted this landscape image for Amtrak. Thorpe’s paintings allow the viewer to step into the scene and feel immersed in the landscape itself.
This painting will tour around Amtrak Metropolitan Lounge locations in the upcoming weeks and remain in its final stop of Chicago.
Thorpe’s painting of New Olympia, WA station was featured in Amtrak’s 1993 corporate calendar. This sparked the beginning of Thorpe’s national recognition. Thorpe has continued working with Amtrak throughout the years in creating various commemorative pieces.
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