Hudson Yards Concrete Casing
Hudson Yards Concrete Casing
For more information, including community engagement schedules, program updates and additional resources, visit AmtrakNewEra.com/Gateway/Hudson-Yards-Concrete-Casing
With funding from Congress and the Federal Railroad Administration, Amtrak and partners are constructing a concrete casing beneath the Hudson Yards in Midtown Manhattan to preserve the underground right-of-way for a future rail tunnel connecting to New York Penn Station.
To protect the alignment for a future rail tunnel beneath the Hudson Yards development on the west side of Manhattan, Amtrak has constructed two sections of a concrete casing underground between 10th and 11th Avenues and 30th and 33rd Streets. Construction of the first 800-foot section (between 10th and 11th Avenues) began in August 2013 and was completed about a year later. The second section extended the project west another 105 feet under the 11th Avenue viaduct in Manhattan and was completed in 2018. The next step involves extending the casing on a diagonal alignment from 11th Avenue to 30th Street, in coordination with the Hudson Tunnel Project and private development of Hudson Yards. Early work has begun to relocate Long Island Rail Road utilities out of the path of the third section.
In 2023, the Hudson Yards Concrete Casing project received a $292 million Mega grant from the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT). This is the first of several expected funding announcements for the project in 2023. Additional information about the Mega grant can be found in USDOT’s FY23 Mega Program fact sheets.
Get more details at the FRA's project page.
Hudson Yards Concrete Casing Section 3

Quick Facts: Hudson Yards Concrete Casing
Project Status
In Construction
Customer Benefits
- Preserves the right of way for the new Hudson River Tunnel to connect to New York Penn Station
- As part of the Gateway Program, improves reliability, resiliency, and redundancy while creating potential for new capacity on Amtrak’s Northeast Corridor (NEC)
Estimated Construction Completion
Summer 2026
Latest Milestone
Start of Section 3 construction, Fall 2023
Upcoming Milestones
Demolition, utility and bridge work
Project Partners
Gateway Development Commission (GDC), U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT), Federal Railroad Administration, Federal Transit Administration, MTA Long Island Rail Road, Related Companies
Funding Sources
State of New York, State of New Jersey, Amtrak, U.S. DOT Mega Grant Program (the National Infrastructure Project Assistance program)
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