Coach Class Seating on Reserved Services
Coach Class Seating on Reserved Services
Coach class is offered on every Amtrak train and features wide, reclining seats with ample legroom, no middle seat option and at-seat trays, reading lights and electric outlets. Restrooms are located in each car. Amtrak Guest Rewards customers traveling in Coach earn 2 points per dollar spent.
Unreserved Seats
Some routes offer unreserved coach seating, which provides maximum flexibility for deciding when to travel.
Seat Orientation
Many of the routes within our network feature fixed forward and backward seating. The following routes may include this configuration:
- Northeast Regional
- Amtrak Cascades
- Borealis
- Carolinian
- Downeaster
- Empire Service
- Ethan Allan Express
- Hiawatha
- Illinois Services
- Keystone Service
- Missouri River Runner
- Springfield Shuttles
- Vermonter
- Wolverine
Traveling with Car Seats
Child car seats cannot be secured to any seats onboard Amtrak trains or buses. Passengers traveling with an infant/small child in a child car seat may place the seat in a vacant seat only if it is not needed for a paying passenger; children under 2 years of age may be required to ride on the passenger’s lap and the child car seat stored in an appropriate baggage area.
Devices with Sound
Devices that emit sound cannot be used without headphones or earphones.
Amtrak Guest Rewards
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