Ways to Save on Northeast Regional
Ways to Save on Northeast Regional
Save on Northeast Regional
Now even more departures on Northeast Regional! This increase in service offers up to four more weekday roundtrips between New York City, Philadelphia, and DC! As well as additional weekend service between New York, DC, Philly, and Boston!
Northeast Regional provides convenient downtown-to-downtown service throughout the Northeast and Virginia. Avoid, the stress of busy airports. Skip the hassles and expense of driving. Travel easily, safely, and sustainably on Northeast Regional. Book your next trip on Amtrak today.
What to Expect Onboard
- Large comfortable leather seats, with plenty of space and legroom.
- No middle seats - ever.
- Free WiFi and power outlets at your seat.
- Bring up to three bags free - yes one personal item and two bags - for free.
- Easy downtown-to downtown service.
- Arrive at station minutes, not hours, before departure for quick and easy boarding.
- By traveling on all-electric locomotives used on Northeast Regional, you are reducing your greenhouse gas emissions by up to 72% compared to flying, and up to 83% compared to driving a personal vehicle
Book your trip in advance for the best chance at best pricing. Subscribe to Amtrak Email and join Amtrak Guest Rewards to keep informed of limited time offers. Plus, don’t forget these everyday ways to save on Northeast Regional.
Amtrak Guest Rewards
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